The Animals that Saved Christmas
(Part III continued)
here was much work to do besides play-time and imagine-time and fly-time. Yes, there was much to do to prepare for next Christmas Eve. And Kai helped too. He taught Santa and the elves how to make origami which is the art of paper folding to make beautiful things. He even made one of a Koi, just like him.
Kai's origami (paper folding art) of a Koi
anta San practiced and made an origami Koi, just for Kai and even with a suit and hat, just like his own.
Kai San (Mr. Kai)
anta even made a real hat for Kai, just like his. Many of the elves called him Santa Koi or Santa Kai San.
Santa Koi or Santa Kai San in his red cap
rs. Claus made Kai an ornament with his name on it, to hang on the Christmas tree.
Kai's Christmas Ornament
here was even an ornament with water in it, so Kai could hang from the tree and watch all the things going on at the Christmas Party.
Kai in his special water globe
ell, a whole year passed pretty quickly at the North Pole. Once again, it was time for Santa to leave for another Christmas Eve. There were tears of sadness and joy when everyone at the North Pole said goodbye to Kai. And then, they were off. It took no time at all for Santa to drop off Kai at his own home in his own water garden in Japan. Just like Santa had promised, it was like he had never left. Everyone was still asleep and it was still the same Christmas Eve when he had left. Kai waved goodbye to Santa San and all the reindeer with his fins. Up and away, they disappeared into the Clouds. Kai heard a muffled sound coming through the clouds, "Merry Christmas Kai and THANK YOU for saving Christmas! We will see you again next year!" Soon after that, Kai fell asleep.
ust as the sun was coming up on Christmas Day, Kai thought he had just had a most wonderful dream. But as he opened his eyes, he heard other Koi in his water garden excitedly talking and shouting and laughing. They were all gathered around a corner of the Koi pond. There on top of the ledge were all the gifts that had been made for him at the North Pole. There was the origami Santa made for him, the ornament Mrs. Claus made for him, his red and white Santa cap and even the Christmas ball was there, still with water inside. And there was a note that read: 'Thank You Kai, S.S.' Kai knew it was from Santa San and with all that the others saw, no one had any doubt who left the presents and the note. But there was something else, something extraordinary!
ai had changed! No, he had not become a dragon with wings, but he had wings, real wings! So, Kai, the Christmas Koi, saved Christmas and now he could really fly in the water and swim in the air!
Kai the Christmas Koi with his new wings
know these things are all true because, Kai the Christmas Koi, told me. And I know Jack and Miles the Christmas Ferrets and Leona the Christmas Lamb. Together, they are all, the Christmas Critters that saved Christmas! Yes, I can understand animals and they can understand me, just like Santa can and Kai can and Leona can and Jack and Miles can because, the magic and wonder of Christmas is, for children and animals of any age that never stop believing.
ntil next time, keep believing! Santa, Kai, Leona, Jack and Miles and I, wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
h, but this story is still NOT finished. No, there is much more to tell! Just wait until you hear the story about Felix the Christmas Roo (kangaroo), another Christmas Critter that saved Christmas!
-Dahni Santa Bopa
Christmas Eve 2015
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