Dec. 29, 2009
Dear (Recipient's Name goes here),
What was to be a Happy Birthday Greeting, has become a warning.
source: Associated Press - Newswire 12/29/09
A new and very dangerous gang is now known to be operating in the states of Illinois and Missouri. Many hunters have discovered their hunting rifles missing including ammunition, even from locked gun cabinets. Fish and wildlife populations in certain areas have suddenly decreased and sometimes half-eaten animal remains have been discovered, strewn along highways.
The motive for these sudden disappearances of both weaponry and wildlife at the beginning seemed to be for survival, but as the gang moved from place to place, half eaten carcasses and in some cases whole animals have been found with execution style deaths. These actions suggest hate-crimes.
Numbers of stolen guns are on the rise as are the numbers of victims found with these types of killings. It is now believed the gang has evolved to now target human beings.
Authorities cooperating in the two states seem powerless to identify the perpetrators or to apprehend them. The origin of this deadly gang is believed to have started in Illinois and a name has surfaced from the Illinois branch of the FBI as the possible ringleader. Raymond Redd, a.k.a. Redd Foxx, disappeared and failed to appear in court for gun permit violations. At the scene of one of, if not the first of these strange and deadly events, animal remains were discovered in Illinois, along with a hand written note which read: “Redd Foxx was here.” Raymond Redd (Redd Foxx) is an expert marksman. Military records show incredible skill and proficiency, even at a thousand yards from the intended target, with dead-on accuracy.
At some point, others were recruited into this group. It is believed that Raymond Foxx (Redd Fox) is both their instructor and leader. These facts are known: skill levels, the numbers of incidents and the various times in which they occur have all increased. What may have started as survival may have evolved to conceal far more sinister motives. Human remains have been found, some partially eaten and others were apparently executed.
Authorities are asking for help from anyone with any information that may lead to the apprehension and capture of this group or any member which may be connected to them. There is evidence to support that based on the events, times and details, some acts are believed to be that of single individuals while others seem to be a group at work.
Hunters and those legally permitted to carry any weapon are cautioned to use extreme care. Make sure your guns and ammunition are securely locked at all times and always within your reach, eyesight and control. Please report any missing items, disappearances and unusual findings, immediately to your local authorities. Use extreme caution at all times and under no circumstance, should anyone attempt to apprehend any gang member on their own. One victim was found dead with a bullet in his head; shot from close range, just days after reporting his gun missing. The victim was shot with his own weapon. This group is considered to be armed and extremely dangerous.
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Raymond Redd (a.k.a. Redd Foxx)
They are smarter than we think! “I’ll get you sucker!”
Deer, geese and turkeys are now believed
to be part of this group. Apparently the motives are payback and they have
developed a taste for human meat.
Story by: Willy Makeit Y.B.A. (you betcha ass) Photography by: Betty Dont
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