
hristmas ritters 

The Animals that Saved Christmas 

by Dahni Santa Bopa
© 2013 all rights reserved


il'  eona ovie the hristmas amb

(Part II continued)

   eona was very busy, but there was plenty of time to play too. Everyone likes to make snowmen and she made one that looked just like a lamb. Everyone loved it and Santa smiled and laughed with joy when he saw it.

 Leona's snow lamb

   eona was a good little lamb. She was polite in her manners, always remembering to say please and thank you. She was kind. And she was helpful. Everyone at the North Pole just loved and adored her. In appreciation for her help, Mrs. Claus made her a pretty red sweater.

   Leona in her red sweater

    t the North Pole, the head cook is an elf named Yumo. He is called this because, every wonderful meal he prepares is delicious and nutritious so much so, the wonderful smells and tastes are all so yummy! To honor Leona, Yumo prepared a special feast for her. He even made a special sculpture out of butter that looked just like her.

  Leona's butter sculpture

   ne day, Santa had some errands to run and he only needed a small sleigh and just one reindeer. When Leona saw him she asked politely, "Please Santa, sir, may I pull the sleigh for you?"

   y dear Leona, it's pretty heavy and maybe you are just too little to do this?"

   "h, please Santa sir, I Can Do It!"

   o, Santa decided to let her try and hooked Leona up to a harness and the sleigh. In no time at all, they were off and flying. Santa was so impressed that as a reward, he taught Leona how to make turns and twists and dips; how to fly upside down and even how to stop in mid-air. He even taught her the most special, double-dipper, super-dooper, flooper-looper! That's the move that only his reindeer know and the one used to get out of and back into the North Pole!

Santa teaches Leona how to pull a sleigh   

   ust like Santa had promised her, Leon had a wonderful time that whole year of Christmas Time at the North Pole and she learned a lot. But she missed her family and friends and her home in Critter Valley. She was ready to go home!

   t seemed like Christmas Eve had come again in no time at all. Santa's workshop was buzzing with happy singing and excitement. The elves were busy finishing up wrapping all the presents for all the girls and boys, all over the world. Scooter, Santa's head reindeer elf was hooking up all the reindeer in the barn. But there was no Rudolph! "Where's Rudolf," yelled Scoter?

  Santa's sleigh being readied to take off

   hen came the terrible and sad news. "This young buck, (that's what they call boy deer) is grounded," announced Mrs. Claus. "Rudolph's nose won't glow and I'm putting him to bed, until he's well." 

   ell, that's it then," sighed Santa, "I need all my reindeer to pull my sleigh, so we are going to have to cancel Christmas this year!" Santa., with tears in his eyes said, "I just can't deliver all the toys without all, of my reindeer." 

   veryone at the North Pole was upset. Everyone was crying, because this was probably the best year of good girls and boys, all over the world, EVER!. Soon there was quiet. None could say anything or knew what to do. And then, Lil' Leona Lovie, spoke right up.

"I can help pull the sleigh!"    

   ell, that got everyone's attention and every eye turned toward her and then to Santa, waiting for what he would say.  "My dear, sweet Lil' Leona Lovie lamb, I believe you can!" Not another word was spoken, but you could tell everyone was excited again and in a hurry to finish up their work, so that Santa could keep his schedule and leave on time.   


Click Leona to continue



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