The Animals that Saved Christmas
(Part II continued)
eona was a little nervous, but not because she might fall because, she just knew, someway, someday, she was going to fly. No, Leona wasn't afraid, she was a little nervous about something else. Everyone knows that you are supposed to be asleep when Santa comes late in the night on Christmas Eve. Everyone knows that he won't come if you are awake. And Leona knew that she would have to be awake and be on top of Kringle Hill, before Santa came. When everyone at her home was sleeping, she would have to be awake and running, and jumping and climbing up the hill. What if someone at home woke up and found her gone? Would they worry? Would she be in trouble? Would Santa not come to all of Critter Valley because, she was awake and on top of the hill when he came? And what if he saw her, would he be mad? But Leona knew she had to do this. She just had to!
Lil' Leona Lovie - sometimes she was a little nervous
e all need to understand a few things. Ordinarily, no matter how fast Leona was or how high she could jump, she was going to have to climb Kringle Hill, make a running start and jump right off the top of the cliff. I don't know about you, but that all sounds pretty scary to me and it is a long way down to the valley from on top of the hill. What if Leona fell? Well, the idea never once crossed her mind! She knew she was going to fly. Ordinarily, lambs cannot fly. Ordinarily, people cannot fly. Ordinarily, reindeer can't fly either. But Leona also knew, something else.
es, Leona knew something else! Now, if you think about it, have you ever heard of deer flying except for Santa's reindeer? Yes, Santa's reindeer are very special. And everyone knows that they can fly because, there is some kind of special magic flying dust. Leona was pretty sure that she knew exactly where that 'magic dust' could be found. If you guessed on top of Kringle Hill, you are exactly right!
ave you ever seen or heard of any other reindeer that can fly, except for Santa's reindeer, of course? Have you ever wondered what makes them so special - many have and many still do! Some believe that Santa's deer are just special flying deer. Others believe that it is Santa that makes them fly, as if by magic. Does he wave his hand and make them fly? Does he just reach into his pocket and grab a handful of magic dust and then toss it out upon the reindeer? Or was there some other reason, something special that gave his reindeer the power to fly? Lil' Lovie Lamb, was pretty sure that she knew!
es, Leona knew something else. In the cold night sky and only at certain times and in just a few places in all the world, there are special lights of color that can be seen, and especially and particularly at the North Pole. Sometimes these lights are green or blue or purple and red. They look like colored sheets against the sky that appear to glow and dance. It's colored sparkly, magic dust. They are called the Northern Lights and aurora borealis. Leona was pretty sure that she knew exactly where that 'magic dust' could be found. Yes, on top of Kringle Hill!
There is something magical about the dancing Northern Lights
here are only a small number of places in all the world that the Northern lights can be seen. On top of the world is a place called the Antic Circle. In the very center, it is called the North Pole and it is always full of ice and snow. It is the home of Santa and Mrs. Claus, Santa's workshop where all the toys are made, the elves that help make all the toys and it is the home of his flying reindeer. But the Northern Lights can be seen in Critter Valley. Leona had to be exactly at the right place and time on Christmas Eve.
t the bottom of the world is a place called the Antarctic Circle . In the very center it is called the South Pole. Just like the Northern Lights, this area has what are called the Southern Lights and aurora australis. Santa uses all these special, magical and beautiful lights North and South, to make his trip all over the world, on Christmas Eve.
Northern Lights & Southern Lights from the North & South Poles
o, what was so special about these lights? It has the magic dust that makes reindeer fly. And Lil' Leona Lovie believed, this would make her fly too!
ell, Christmas Eve finally came. Lil' Leona Lovie had practiced running and jumping for months. She was ready. She was off to meet Santa Claus and his reindeer on top of Kringle Hill. She was ready to fly and she could not wait any longer. She was excited, but quiet as a little mouse as she rose out of bed and walked silently to the end of her road. Then she took off running as fast as she could. She came to the foot of Kringle Hill and started to run even faster,; as fast as she could.
eona climbed all the way to the top and stopped. It was very quiet. There was no wind and no sound at all. She waited, listened, hoped and BELIEVED! Then she heard something. It was very low at first and was coming near her. As it came closer, she recognized the sound, that beautiful sound of bells, sleigh bells. Was it Santa and his sleigh and his reindeer? Oh, Leona hoped so and she closed her eyes for a moment and said,
"I believe!"
hen Leona opened her eyes, she could see in the distance a glowing red light. Was that Rudolph and his shining red nose? She waited and very soon, she could see what she came to see. Yes, it was Santa Clause, his sleigh and the flying reindeer! But he was not heading towards Critter Valley, he was leaving and heading back to the North Pole. Santa was heading away from her. He didn't see her. Leona knew then, what she had to do.
eona turned around and ran as fast as she could. Then she stopped, turned around again and ran faster than she ever had. When she got to the top of the hill she didn't stop and she jumped higher than she ever had and jumped right off the top of the hill! As her hooves left the ground, Leona closed her eyes and she said to herself, one more time -
"I Believe, I believe, I believe!!!"
Click Leona to continue
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