The Animals that Saved Christmas
(Part I continued)
Santa with Jack & Miles
ell I'll be a dancing snowflake," laughed Santa, "You two are in for some BIG surprises!" Like what," asked Jack? "Right, like what surprises," asked Miles?
ell," Santa began, "for one thing, my flying sleigh can only fly one time each year and that's on Christmas Eve." Santa continued, "You two boys are going to have to stay here at the North Pole with us until I can fly you back next year on Christmas Eve."
ut we will very much miss our family 'business' "said Jack, with a little tear in his eye." "And they will sorely miss us, too" said Miles with a tear in his eye as well.
h not to worry my new little friends," Santa began to explain, "You will have a wonderful and magic time here. And you will be back home in no time, for here at the North Pole, we are on very special Christmas Time. One second in the rest of the world is a whole year here and a whole year at the North Pole is only like a blink of an eye in the world. Can you show me a blink?" Jack and Miles each blinked their eyes once. "See, that's how quick it will seem to your family 'business,' just like you never left. I will take you home next Christmas Eve."
o Jack and Miles spent the next Christmas Time at the North Pole with Santa, Mrs. Claus, the reindeer and the elves. They ate and slept, played and played and watched Santa re-attach the bell that brought them there, to the sleigh bell harness for the reindeer. Jack and Miles watched the elves make toys for all the good little girls and boys. And they even made some toys themselves. And their pictures were on the North Pole Christmas card that year.
Jack & Miles on the North Pole Christmas Cards
Click Jack & Miles to continue
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